Becky Hendricks

Board of Trustees, Treasurer

A semi-retired CPA specializing in not-for-profit accounting with over 30 years’ professional experience working with and for museums and educational institutions, my stepping onto the Board and taking up the position of Treasurer for Historic Eastfield Foundation this past winter is a real honor.  

I grew up in a house filled with antiques and a love for the outdoors.  So, when our son became “too big to fit into a backpack” but too small to carry his own, we migrated into 18th C Living History where I became an avid hearth cook, herbalist, and textilian and my husband took up joinery.  Having long heard of Historic Eastfield Village and with several of Don Carpentier’s mocha pieces in our ceramics collection, I finally made my first trip to Eastfield a few years back when a call went out through ALHFAM for someone willing/able to provide an historic hearth-cooked dinner for “Dish Camp.”  Dinner for 40 with minimal refrigeration and no running hot water?  Completely my idea of fun!  Paul and I totally fell in love with the place that weekend and have been fortunate to be asked back to cook for six more workshops/events since then. 

Sitting on the back porch of Briggs Tavern one night, I mentioned my years of experience in the museum world to Billy McMillan and offered to help the Foundation in any way that I could.  With Billy’s passing, I recently made the same offer to his step-son, Board member and then-Treasurer Chris Tintle.  Be careful what you ask for!  I’ve had the pleasure of working with Chris and the Foundation’s accountants over the course of the past several months and look forward to helping the Foundation sustain this wonderful site/experience for future generations.