Complimentary Lodging at Historic Eastfield Village
Accommodations & Reservations
To reserve a room, please email
The Briggs Tavern has three private rooms on the first floor. On the second floor, there are two large sleeping chambers, with three single beds in each room.
There are also numerous beds upstairs in the Yellow Tavern.
The beds are all rope-strung, many with 19th c. type mattresses and bedding. For your comfort, we recommend you bring a complete set of your own bedding, including some kind of mattress cover.
All rooms are first come, first served unless booked ahead, so we strongly recommend reservations!
Due to the historic nature of our buildings, our accommodations are not ADA compliant. Please inquire for further information.
To stay at the Village is to step into the past! This is a truly immersive experience as most buildings do not have modern amenities such as climate control, plumbing, or electricity, with a few exceptions. While this is certainly one of the charms of the “Eastfield experience,” workshop participants should be ready to embrace this historic lifestyle.
Overnight guests may choose to arrive at Eastfield Village the day or evening before your workshop begins. PLEASE let us know in advance when you are likely to arrive so someone can be there to greet you. If you have any questions regarding your stay or the available amenities, please email
What to Bring
TEN 10-inch-long WHITE candles (This is the only fee for overnight stays)
Your own bedding, including pillows, sheets, blankets, etc.
A towel
A flashlight, as open flames (candles, lanterns, etc.) are not permitted in the bedchambers due to safety measures.
Insect repellent
Please review as well our common sense rules below.
The William Briggs Tavern
The Yellow Tavern
Common Sense Rules
for Historic Eastfield Village
If you are staying overnight the only payment is that you are to bring (10) ten inch long WHITE CANDLES.
CANDLES are not to be burned down any lower than 1 inch from the candle stick socket.
DO NOT place burning candles in cupboards or unstable places; always be aware of what is above or near them.
All candle butts are to be removed from the candlestick before placing a new one. Do not place a new candle on top of a butt. NEVER leave a building unattended with a candle left burning in it. NEVER take a candle or flame of any type out of the common areas in the taverns. Please use your FLASHLIGHT in the bedchambers.
SMOKING: There is no smoking in any of Historic Eastfield buildings. If you smoke outdoors, do so behind the Briggs Tavern. Cigarette butts are to be disposed of properly in the designated disposal container in the designated smoking area.
RECYCLABLES are to be cleaned & placed in the proper container in the back of the Briggs Tavern.
RETURNABLES with a deposit should be taken back or placed RINSED in the proper container in the back of the Briggs Tavern.
PAPER-Most paper items can be burned in the fireplace if the fireplace is used. DO NOT BURN PLASTIC, CELLOPHANE or STYROFOAM - it is garbage and should be placed in the proper container in the back of the Briggs Tavern.
FOOD SCRAPS may be disposed of over the stone wall or in the woods behind the tavern, (at a distance from the back door). The Critters will clean it up.
OUTHOUSES or THE NECESSARIES - There are three working historic WOOD OUT-HOUSES and they may be used by all (knock first if door is shut). GENTLEMEN, if you only have to STAND go out behind or find the perfect TREE in the forest. Please be kind to those who have to sit. There are often one or two PORT-A-JOHNS on the property and they may be used by all.
Some buildings are OFF LIMITS (especially the Squire’s House, Pottery shop, Doctors office and Woodshop) If a building is locked, it's for a reason, PLEASE ask.
Wherever you have used a space - whether sitting, sleeping, working, etc. - please try to leave that space cleaner & better than when you found it.
Of course, all of the items in the above numbers 6-7-8-9, may be taken home with you as a help to Historic Eastfield.