Dating Historic Structures
June 17th - 18th 2024
Limited to 12 Students
Participants are guided through the difficult process of recognizing architectural changes made during various periods in the lifespan of a building. They are then taught to identify the specific elements relevant to the dating process. This includes the evolution of molding styles, hardware, window & door treatments, fireplaces, timber framing methods, also tell-tale signs such as saw, hand plane & planer marks. Students gain a good sense of the amount of detective work required to date a pre-1875 structure & will investigate several structures during the class.
June 17th - 18th 2024
Limited to 12 Students
Participants are guided through the difficult process of recognizing architectural changes made during various periods in the lifespan of a building. They are then taught to identify the specific elements relevant to the dating process. This includes the evolution of molding styles, hardware, window & door treatments, fireplaces, timber framing methods, also tell-tale signs such as saw, hand plane & planer marks. Students gain a good sense of the amount of detective work required to date a pre-1875 structure & will investigate several structures during the class.
June 17th - 18th 2024
Limited to 12 Students
Participants are guided through the difficult process of recognizing architectural changes made during various periods in the lifespan of a building. They are then taught to identify the specific elements relevant to the dating process. This includes the evolution of molding styles, hardware, window & door treatments, fireplaces, timber framing methods, also tell-tale signs such as saw, hand plane & planer marks. Students gain a good sense of the amount of detective work required to date a pre-1875 structure & will investigate several structures during the class.
Robert Adam
Founder & former department chair of Preservation Carpentry, North Bennet School, Boston MA. With Bill McMillen in the photo.
Eric Gradoia
Consultant and architectural historian with the Albany firm of Mesick, Cohen, Wilson, Baker Architects & former Director of Historic Preservation at Historic Deerfield, Deerfield, Massachusetts.